Lectura: Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story de Paul Auster 15-12-17

Aquí tenéis a dos de nuestras alumnas comentando la lectura del pasado viernes.

En esta ocasión intercambiamos opiniones sobre un relato de Paul Auster titulado Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story. Charlamos sobre los temas propuestos en el texto como el arte y nuestra percepción del mismo, el trabajo de escritor cómo y dónde se inspiran para conseguir material para sus obras, las primeras impresiones y cómo éstas cambian a medida que conocemos mejor a las personas…

Comentamos también el tema central y excusa del relato: la Navidad. Hablamos de los sentimientos y sensaciones que nos inspira, muchas veces encontrados.

Como siempre, agradeceros a todos el esfuerzo de leer y comentar en inglés y el interés que mostráis por el Laboratorio de lectura.

¡Nos vemos en el próximo Laboratorio!

One comment on “Lectura: Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story de Paul Auster 15-12-17

  1. Jessica on

    Hi everyone!

    Here you have my comments about this last reading of the year.

    Magic and mystery are adjectives quite related to Christmas: Santa, the presents, the beautiful lights everywhere… and they are also related to this story. Who knows if the story is true or not but it provides us this magic.

    This is not the traditional Christmas story, in fact, in some moment the possibility of a trick appears and this is not the typical situation for a bucolic plot! The author also includes this conflict that usually appears with these dates: love or hate Christmas. The main character didn’t seem really happy or comfortable with this period of time and, even worst, when he had to write the Christmas story. However, as he obtained his target, his mood changes completely and the magic of Christmas also appears on him.

    It’s really curious this technique of including a story inside another one; a different way of catching the reader attention and, moreover, a different way of showing us Christmas apart from Dickens and his Chistmas Carol.

    Happy Christmas and Happy New Year! 🙂


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