Aquí tenéis a dos de nuestras alumnas intercambiando opiniones sobre la lectura del pasado viernes.
En esta ocasión debatimos acerca de un relato de Ray Bradbury titulado Marionettes, Inc. Elegimos por primera vez un relato de ciencia ficción y mantuvimos una charla muy interesante sobre la identidad, las relaciones personales y sociales y, por supuesto, los robots y cómo podrían llegar a desarrollarse en un futuro no tan lejano. Comparamos también la historia planteada en el relato con versiones modernas que tratan el mismo tema como la película Her o el episodio de la serie de televisión británica Black Mirror titulado Be Right Back.
Como siempre, agradeceros a todos el esfuerzo de leer y comentar en inglés y el interés que mostráis por el Laboratorio de lectura.
¡Nos vemos en el próximo Laboratorio!
In this story we can see different aspects really close to our daily life: mainly, from my point of view, lack of communication and an excess of ambition.
The characters are really unhappy with their lives but they are not making anything to change that circumstance, they only complain (in the case of Braling) or keep the things going (in the case of Smith). Maybe the things will be easier for them if they speak with their couples and try to find a good solution for both. As we can see in the book, maybe their couples are not happy neither with the relationship.
I believe that we, as a society, are really ambitious, we are always trying to improving or achieving some goals without thinking if this improvement or achievement is important or beneficial for us and our close environment. Why about sharing our thoughts and our ideas with our relatives before creating a “parallel vision” in our mind and try to find a solution to our problems? Sometimes we thing that our problems or the difficulties that we found in our life will be only solved with distance or with heavier changes.
Reading the story I thought what will happen if nowadays we had this possibility: create robots with our appearance and personality in order to have a parallel life. It’s really scared! I will never trust in anybody and I think that we will lose lot of things in our life; imagine, the robot could live an amazing moment in your life just for being there and you will lose it! It sounds like a cliché but we should value more the little things in our lives.
Thanks for sharing this story with us! See you soon 🙂
Hi Jessica!
Thanks a lot for commenting. It’s very interesting what you say about missing out on great moments in your life just because you weren’t brave enough to face the tough ones.
Hope you can join us for the next reading Lab!